Sunday, February 17, 2019

IR (Information Retrieval ) 2nd SEM


1.Proximity operators are less efficient computationally because the index needs to store positional information.
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Given the query sa*t , if you want to search for permuterm wildcard index, which of the following keys can be looked upon?
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Consider an index for 1 million documents each having a length of 1,000 words. Say there are 100K distinct terms in total. What is the space requirement for an uncompressed term-document incidence matrix considering 1 cell takes 1 bit?
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Given a document collection which has 35 relevant documents, if an IR system retrieves 10 relevant and 13 irrelevant documents, what is the recall value of the system?

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Consider the following documents, 
Doc1: Data analysis deals with data sets
Doc2: Data mining in various fields
Doc3: Data analysis techniques and algorithms
Doc4: Data sets with temporal attributes
When the Term Document incidence matrix is constructed and the query data AND (sets  OR analysis) is executed on it, the resultant doc's retrieved will be which ones from the following?
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Which of the following type of web pages can satisfy the informational query search of a user?

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Given the Boolean Query (Brutus OR Caesar) AND Mary, which of following is optimised one of the above given query?
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The OR operator assigns a higher score to documents that contain both terms.
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Which search engine is well supported with multiple languages?

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Using the Porter’s algorithm, which of the following pairs cannot be mapped together?
Select one:
Consider the following documents,
Doc1: Data analysis deals with data sets
Doc2: Data mining in various fields
Doc3: Data analysis techniques and algorithms
Doc4: Data sets with temporal attributes
When the Term Document incidence matrix is constructed for the above documents, what will be the total number of entries in the matrix?
Select one:

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